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🛒 Fetching events

For the moment, we didn't provide any actual way to store our events data. This is the responsibility of the EventStorageAdapter class.

import { EventStore } from '@castore/core';

await pokemonsEventStore.getEvents('pikachu1');
// ❌ Will throw an `UndefinedEventStorageAdapterError`

const pokemonsEventStore = new EventStore({
eventStoreId: 'POKEMONS',
eventTypes: pokemonEventTypes,
reducer: pokemonsReducer,
// 👇 Provide it in the constructor
eventStorageAdapter: mySuperEventStorageAdapter,

// 👇 ...or set/switch it in context later
pokemonsEventStore.eventStorageAdapter = mySuperEventStorageAdapter;

const { events } = await pokemonsEventStore.getEvents('pikachu1');
const { aggregate } = await pokemonsEventStore.getAggregate('pikachu1');
// 🙌 Will work!

You can choose to build an event storage adapter that suits your usage. However, we highly recommend using an off-the-shelf adapter (if the storage solution that you use does not have an adapter yet, feel free to create/upvote an issue, or contribute 🤗).