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From v1 to v2

This pages summarizes the breaking changes from the v1 to the v2:



The EventStore class eventStoreEvents, reduce and storageAdapter properties have respectively been renamed eventTypes, reducer and eventStorageAdapter for more consistency and clarity (including in the constructor). The getStorageAdapter method has also been renamed getEventStorageAdapter.

const pokemonsEventStore = new EventStore({
eventStoreId: 'POKEMONS',
eventTypes: [
reducer: pokemonsReducer,
eventStorageAdapter: mySuperEventStorageAdapter,

Similarly, the StorageAdapter interface has been renamed to EventStorageAdapter, and the UndefinedStorageAdapterError class has been renamed to UndefinedEventStorageAdapterError.

Finally, the EventStoreEventsDetails, EventTypesDetails and EventStoreEventsTypes utility types have respectively been corrected to EventStoreEventDetails, EventTypeDetails and EventStoreEventTypes


The listAggregateIds method now returns an array of objects (instead of an array of strings) containing both the aggregateId and its initialEventTimestamp. This is useful to return more metadata about first/last processed aggregates when "pouring" data with dam:

const { aggregateIds } = await pokemonsEventStore.listAggregateIds();

for (const { aggregateId, initialEventTimestamp } of aggregateIds) {
// something with aggregateId/initialEventTimestamp

The AggregateExistsMessage now also contains the initialEventTimestamp property:

await myAggregateExistsMessageQueue.publishMessage({
eventStoreId: 'POKEMONS',
aggregateId: 'pikachu1',
initialEventTimestamp: '2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z',


The EventStore static pushEventGroup method now accepts options as a first argument:

await EventStore.pushEventGroup(
// You can now pass options as a first argument
{ force: true },

await EventStore.pushEventGroup(
// ...but direclty using events still work

This is not a breaking change on the EventStore interface. However, any implementation of the EventStorageAdapter interface MUST now accept an option object as a first argument.

The EventStorageAdapter interface has also been stripped of its legacy (or rather previous work-in-progress) putSnapshot, getLastSnapshot and listSnapshots methods.


All packages have been renamed to allow for a clearer folder structure inside the repository, as well as simpler enforcing of import rules (e.g. preventing imports from @castore/core to @castore/lib-foobar).

The new package name rules are the following:

  • @castore/core stays the same 😅
  • Event type extensions: event-type-<VALIDATOR> (e.g. event-type-zod)
  • Command extensions: command-<VALIDATOR> (e.g. command-zod)
  • Event storage adapters: event-storage-adapter-<SOLUTION> (e.g. event-storage-adapter-dynamodb)
  • Message bus adapters: message-bus-adapter-<SOLUTION> (e.g. message-bus-adapter-event-bridge)
  • Message queue adapters: message-queue-adapter-<SOLUTION> (e.g. message-queue-adapter-sqs)
  • Utility libraries: lib-<LIBRARY_NAME> (e.g. lib-dam)

Check out the packages page to find your new adapter package name.


The DynamoDbEventStorageAdapter of the event-storage-adapter-dynamodbpackage has been deprecated and renamed LegacyDynamoDBEventStorageAdapter, in favor of the DynamoDBSingleTableEventStorageAdapter. It will be removed in the v3.

You can migrate your current data by:

import { EventStore } from '@castore/core';
import {
} from '@castore/event-storage-adapter-dynamodb';
import { pourEventStoreEvents } from '@castore/lib-dam';
import { InMemoryMessageQueueAdapter } from '@castore/message-queue-adapter-in-memory';

const eventStoreA = new EventStore({
eventStorageAdpater: new LegacyDynamoDBEventStorageAdapter(...),

// 👇 Same definition
const eventStoreB = new EventStore({
eventStorageAdater: new DynamoDBSingleTableEventStorageAdapter(...),
// You can also use the same one and override the adapter
// ...but ONLY IF read & write execution contexts are different

// 👇 Example with an InMemoryMessageQueueAdapter:
const migrationMessageQueue = new NotificationMessageQueue({
sourceEventStores: [eventStoreA],

InMemoryMessageQueueAdapter.attachTo(migrationMessageQueue, {
worker: async (message, context) => {
const { event } = message;
const { replay } = context
// 👇 Forward event in eventStoreB
await eventStoreB.pushEvent(event, { force: true, replay });

// 👇 Pour eventStoreA events
await pourEventStoreEvents({
eventStore: eventStoreA,
messageChannel: migrationMessageQueue,
rateLimit: 100,